Anderson Funeral Home
Family owned funeral home for over 50 years
Recent Obituaries
Local Florist
Cameron Floral, Cameron, WV 304-686-3665
Farmhouse Peddler, Moundsville 304-810-4362
Hellers/Peggies, Moundsville 304-845-5680
Service is a Family Tradition
How can we help?
We know that every family we serve is unique, and we strive to make each service a personal tribute to the life that has been lived. We provide a wide variety of choices that will help fulfill a family's wishes, from a traditional funeral to a personalized service that celebrates a loved one's hobbies and interests.
Planning your funeral arrangements in advance can offer you and your family a number of benefits: Emotional Benefits More Time to Consider Your Options
You and your family will have time to research your options and make well-informed decisions, without feeling rushed.

Comfort for Families
we are here in your hardest hour and understand your needs
Please fill out this form for more information

1109 2nd St
Moundsville, WV 26041
(304) 845-7884

39 Maple Ave
Cameron, WV 26033
(304) 686-3331